Rules and Guidelines for Your Recipes
- Enter your favorite, simple recipe; please, not more than 3 recipes at a time
- Your recipe will be judged by a panel of cooks and winners will be posted at the end of the month
- Your recipe will be judged for
a. How simple it is to use, and
b. Receiving a ratingof 5 on the “YUMMY Scale” by a majority of the cooks - Send to this website, include your name if you want to be given credit
- Include your email address and/or phone number if you would like to be entered in future raffles. You will be entered automatically if you include contact information.
- Have fun!
If you wish to submit your recipe for consideration by, please select “I agree”, fill out the form, and upload your recipe (txt, word, or pdf formats accepted) and an optional photo, and click submit.
For copyright information click here.
We are thrilled by your interest!
Can’t wait to taste your dish
Lui Campos