Pot Roast
  • A 4 to 6 Qt. Dutch Oven, with lid. One that can be placed in oven.
  • Chef’s knife
  • Timer
  • A Chuck Roast (3-5 lbs.)
  • 2-3 Russet (white) potatoes
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 1 cu chopped onions
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • ½ cu chopped parsley
  • 2 Tbs Garlic/parsley Salt; place in a small cup or bowl
  • Chicken bouillon powder and water as needed
  • 1 cu water
  • 3Tbs All Purpose flour
  • 3 Tbs cooking oil
  • OPTIONAL: 1 ½ cu of frozen mixed vegetables


  • Sprinkle evenly, ¾ of the cup of chopped onions at the bottom of the pot; sprinkle about a Tbs of the garlic/parsley salt along the bottom also.
  • Add in the flour and the oil and mix into a pasty substance with the chopped onions.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into 6 pieces
  • Take each carrot and with the sharp edge of your chef’s knife, scrape off the outer skin. Then slice all the carrots you use
  • Place your sliced potatoes and carrots in a bowl with enough water to cover them. This is so they don’t turn color while you finish other preparations.
  • Remove as much as you can of the big fat chunks from your roast, then


  • Drain the water from the bowl with the potatoes and carrots and place them mixed along the bottom of the pot, on top of the chopped onion mixture, then
  • Place your defatted roast in the pot; sprinkle the remaining parsley/garlic salt on each side of the roast
  • Sprinkle the remaining chopped onions and the chopped parsley over the top of the roast
  • Pour the cup of water all around the edges of the roast
  • OPTIONAL: pour the mixed vegetables all around the edges of the roast (if it fits).


  • Set a timer for 1 hour.
  • Cover pot; place in oven at 250 degrees. Cook for 1 hour.
  • At the end of the hour, carefully check your roast. Make sure it still has enough liquid. Add heated water with 1 teaspoon of chicken bouillon per cup making sure the bottom of the pot has at least 1-2 inches of water.
  • Reset timer for 1 hour.
  • After second hour check the roast again. This time over the roast over and with a fork check for tenderness. If it does not pull apart easily, it may need ½ to 1 more hour.
  • Check after ½ hour, and continue cooking until you reach desired tenderness. Not more than 3 hours.


Serve with rice. Makes about 4 adult servings.



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